Would You Like to Fire Your Webmaster?

I talk to people all the time who tell me horror stories of how their webmaster held their business hostage, because the webmaster wouldn’t finish their website and was extorting more money from them. It saddens me to hear these stories.

Now, not all webmasters are bad. Let me just clarify that. I know many webmasters who I deeply respect.

It’s just that a webmaster will not care as much about your business as you do. That’s just natural. You, the business owner, cares more about your business than any webmaster, consultant, designer, expert, guru, whomever.

So because of this, I developed a course to help non techie business owners take back control of their website and put it in their own hands. Namely with the WordPress blogging software. No, it does not have to be a blog, with wordpress you can create websites as well as blogs.

I’m going to explain all of this next Wednesday Sep 24th on my free teleseminar. All you have to do is to sign up to get onto that call. Their will be a handout to go with it.

Just go to www.WebsiteCreationWorkshop.com to get registered.