WordPress.org vs. WordPress.com

People often get confused by the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com so I thought I’d write a post to clear it up.

WordPress.com is a free service where you can get your own blog hosted on the WordPress.com site.
For example http://inrareform.wordpress.com/

WordPress.org is also free, but it’s software that you install on your own servers.

It’s the same software, just one is hosted for you (kinda like yahoo mail and gmail is hosted for you), and one is hosted on your own domain.

This blog (www.ShoppingCartQueen.com/blog) is a WordPress.org blog, as is my blog for my Club Members

So if you are starting a blog you may want to consider a couple of things: although wordpress.com is free and easy to setup, they do NOT let you do a lot of things.

For one thing the terms of service are very restrictive, so you may get shut down if you are selling products on your free blog. Also, I’ve experimented with wordpress.com and it does not let you have an opt in box for either your 1ShoppingCart(MarketersChoice) account, or an opt in box for you Aweber account.

That is a deal breaker for me!

I recommend that you get your own domain, on your own hosting, with a wordpress.org blog.
I use www.BlueHostNow.com which has a 1 click button to install a blog. It can be done in 5 min.

You will be much happier in the long run if you do!