Come with me to The System Seminar in Chicago

I want to buy you dinner on Friday night in Chicago!

At the System Seminar Event:

The system seminar is one of the longest running internet marketing events around.

I want you to come with me, because I’m going to be one of the speakers there, and I’d like to meet you and buy you dinner. When we meet for dinner, let’s talk about your business and see how I can guide you. At live events I always talk freely to people and answer any questions they may have about shopping carts, email marketing, and internet marketing in general.

If you have not heard of the System Seminar it’s one of the best live events I know of to teach you the fundamentals plus advanced strategies on Internet Marketing. If you’ve been following me for a long time, you’ll know that I only send out messages for events that I’m either speaking at, or attending.

And the System Seminar Event is an event that I highly recommend you attend and meet the experts in the field of internet marketing.

You spend Friday evening May 30th, Saturday May 31st, and Sunday June 1st with 24 speakers learning everything they have to tell you about their topic of expertise.

Pitching is not allowed at Ken’s events.

So, not only do I want to buy you dinner, but I want to help you with your travel expenses.

If you sign up for The System Seminar Event via this URL: and send me your receipt, I’ll personally hand you a check for $367 to help offset your travel costs.

Sound like a plan?

So go now, and check out this event

And we’ll dine together!

p.s. don’t forget to send me your email receipt after you register….