Virtual or Live Events?

Which is better: A live event or a virutal event?

I just got back from an internet marketing event in Southern California which was really great. I got to meet a lot of new people, and network with them at the event.

But as I now I prepare for my talk at the Social Media Telesummit. I ask myslef: which environment is better for my students to learn in? A live one or a virtual one?

At an “in person” event you get ot meet face to face with the faculty and the attendees as you learn. It’s fun, BUT you have travel costs, time away from home, and time away from your business.

At a “virtual” event you can be in your t-shirt and slippers, reclining on your couch with your laptop and coffee cup, as you listen via phone, or webcast, or computer.

Well the Social Media Telesummit. is going to be a live virtual event. That is, it’s an event that you attend from the comfort of your own home.

It lasts 8 days, with multiple speakers talking about social media and how you can use it in your business.

I’ll “see” you at the event!