Meet me in Anaheim!

This Friday February 1st, I’m heading off to a new seminar I’ve never been to before, and I’d love to meet you there.

What I’m talking about is Stu McLaren’s Idea Incubator.

I’ve heard that this is not your “usual” kind of seminar. It’s wildly different from other seminars you may have attended in the past…

What makes it so unusual?

1) First, Stu likes you to wear your comfortable clothes. No dressy business clothes, okay? Because ideas flow best when you’re comfortable. Wouldn’t you agree?

2) Next, you will get plenty of personal attention. You’ll get to meet and network with the top idea creators in the world in a very intimate setting.

3) Same price every year. If you are an alumni of the Idea Incubator you pay the price you paid to attend your 1st event. If this is your 1st time you will never pay higher then what you paid for this years event.

5) Every speaker speaks twice. That’s right… you get to listen to all of our speakers share their vast pool of knowledge not once but twice.

If unusual sounds refreshing to you then go to and learn more about this year’s amazing speaker lineup and how they can help you right now!

So where and when can you take advantage of this
unique venue?

Anaheim, California February 1st – 3rd, 2008.

I hope to see you there!