When They Ask for a Refund…

Ahhh refunds.

Nobody likes them.

Everybody hates them.

But they are a fact of life.

So here is a tip on what you need to do, if your customer asks you for a refund.

You can refund your customer through the shopping cart system.  Just go to Orders–>Regular Orders and find that order. Then click on the little blue link at the top that says: "Refund Order"

This will credit them back to their credit card , AND it will take them off of any autoresponders you have set up
for that product. (Which is what you would  want it to do).

BUT, remember……

If your product is a recurring product (like a payment plan or membership program) you must ALSO go to Orders->Recurring Orders and delete that recurring order.

Otherwise, if you forget, then their card will be charged again once the cycle comes around and you will have a very unhappy person on your hands.

Want more tips and techniques like this?

Then go to: http://www.ShoppingCartQueen.com/club and join me.

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  "I LOVE your Club. I am kicking myself for
   not joining sooner. There are famous gurus
   out there charging thousands of dollars who
   cannot explain the cart the way you do.
   The templates alone are worth a year in the Club!"
    – Cathy Goodwin

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