Why I hate eBooks

I  hate e-books.

It’s not that I don’t like to read them. It’s not that I don’t like to own them.  In fact I’ve bought some very good eBooks.

It’s that I hate selling eBook PDFs. You see, once you give someone a PDF, it’s then out of your hands.

You can’t update it.

You can’t change it.

It just sits there on someone else’s hard drive.   Somewhere.

Then they lose it and call you for another copy of your eBook.

But, with a membership program you give people a unique username and password and they log in. With a membership program you can update the content as much as you like. You can fix that typo. You can add another link.


So, if you are interested in selling membership products where you can have your content protected behind a login, and have this integrated with your shopping cart system, then let me show you how.

Go here for more details….