Alex Mandossian Trains You on Teleseminars

 Last Week I did a call with my mentor, Alex Mandossian.  It was an awesome call, and I wanted to share it with you.  We talked about teleseminars and walked people through the steps to conduct a teleseminar.  He prepared a handout (16 page action guide), for the call, and it was quite a lot of fun and an honor for me to interview him.

I took registrations via a webpage script that you get when you signup for Teleseminar Secrets ( ). 

I took the course 5 years ago, and I continue to get benefits from that class, as each year he lets students come back for free.

If you missed the call, you can get the Replay and the Action Guide (handout) when you submit your question to me about runing teleseminars.
Click here to Ask a Question  and Get the Replay + Action Guide