What Happens at Live Internet Marketing Events

Years ago in 2003 I went to one of my first internet marketing events. That event was the System Seminar

What happened at that event was that I met Alex Mandossian, Perry Marshall, Ken McCarthy, Frank Kern, Armand Morin, Jeff Walker, Ali Brown, Michael Fortin, John Reese, Dori Friend, and a whole slew of other internet marketers. I had been listening to internet marketing teleseminars for a while, but it wasn’t until I was there, in person, that all of my learning came together.

I encourage you to come to this live event in Chicago. I’ve been there each year for the past 5 years.

Yes, they may be a bit expensive, especially if you are starting out, but it’s worth it because it can take your business to a whole other level. It did that for me.

I’ve been twittering for a while now, and it just dawned on me: all of my friends on twitter are people whom I met at an internet marketing seminar.

Well at the end of May, I’m not only going to be at the System Seminar in Chicago, but I’m going to be speaking there.

I’d love to meet you, show you around, and introduce you to some folks. Help you to find other like minded people who you can form a relationship with, and carry that back with you to your business. I’d love to take you under my wing.

But you got to be there to experience it.

When I went to the System in 2003 a huge light bulb went off in my head. Everything I had been learning via reading ebooks, listening to teleseminars, and studying came together for me.

My income trippled that next year!

One of the best internet marketing events I know of is Ken McCarthy’s System Seminar. It’s one of the oldest, longest running internet marketing events, that has trained many of the top speakers today.

I’ll be there Friday through Monday morning, and I’d love to connect with you, find out more about your business, and help guide you on getting the most out of the event.

(Plus, to help you with your travel expenses, sign up for the event here, email me your receipt, and I’ll hand you a check in person for $387)