Use An Autoresponder For Soliciting Feedback And Boost Your Sales

Use an autoresponder for soliciting feedback and boost your repeat sales and referrals. Making a sale is a wonderful thing. Making repeat sales is even better.

When someone trusts your website and your products, they will not only re-purchase but will refer your site to their friends and colleagues. And as we all know, nothing beats word-of-mouth advertising!

Would you like to emphasize customer retention, customer satisfaction and referrals? Then you would do well to work with an autoresponder for soliciting feedback shortly after a customer purchases something from your site.


An autoresponder for marketing is a mechanism that sends out email message(s) automatically. It can be one message or a series of messages. You specify the day the email message goes out based on the day the user first purchases your product.
For example:
‘Day 0’ is today,
‘Day 1’ is tomorrow, and
‘Day 7’ is a week from now.
If you already have a website business, you may already have an autoresponder series that goes out when someone makes a purchase. Why not add a message in the series that asks for feedback? Send a simple message that is very personal so that it feels like it is coming directly from you.

For example, you could send a message 14 days after the purchase that says:

—–Original Message—–
Subject: How is it going?

Hi (Customer Firstname),

I noticed that you bought my (fill in the blank)
product about two weeks ago.

How do you like the product?

Thank you,

-(Your First Name)

By doing this you will get a better response from your customers than asking directly for a testimonial.

If you get a negative response, that’s ok, too. It’s all about helping you to improve your product or service. And when you get a great response from a customer, either call or email them and ask if you can use the message in a testimonial!

An autoresponder for following up after a purchase can improve your understanding of your customer’s purchasing experience, as well as creating repeat sales and referrals.